вівторок, 18 грудня 2012 р.

Конфігурація знань у зв'язках між структурними компонентами у наукових мережах

Наукометричні бази використовуються для дослідження зв'язків між різними сферами знань. 

Проаналізовано формування міждисциплінарних зв'язків через мережі цитування на прикладах розвитку нанотехнологій в природничих науках та зв'язків між соціальною психологією та політологією.

arXiv:1012.5735 (*cross-listing*)
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 10:22:27 GMT   (339kb)

Title: "Structuration" by Intellectual Organization: The Configuration of
  Knowledge in Relations among Structural Components in Networks of Science
Authors: Loet Leydesdorff
Categories: cs.DL nlin.AO
\\ ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.5735 ,  339kb)
Using aggregated journal-journal citation networks, the measurement of the knowledge base in empirical systems is factor-analyzed in two cases of interdisciplinary developments during the period 1995-2005: (i) the development of nanotechnology in the natural sciences and (ii) the development of communication studies as an interdiscipline between social psychology and political science. The results are compared with a case of stable development: the citation networks of core journals in chemistry. These citation networks are intellectually organized by networks of expectations in the knowledge base at the specialty (that is, above-journal) level. This "structuration" of structural components (over time) can be measured as configurational information. The latter is compared with the Shannon-type information generated in the interactions among structural components: the difference between these two measures provides us with a measure for the redundancy generated by the specification of a model in the knowledge base of the system. This knowledge base incurs (against the entropy law) to variable extents on the knowledge infrastructures provided by the observable networks of relations.

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